Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's taken me a week to calm down enough to write this blog....

I have an announcement.

I've broken it off with Usher.

Anyone who knows me knows that I can defend the most main stream, stripper talkin, ho slappin', bling braggin', just plain ludicrous (no pun intended) hip hop on the radio these days. Shit, I mean you should see how excited I get when that retarded Ray J song "Sexy Can I" comes on the pop station. My bootyr is shakin' and I've got my rap hands WAY up!

I don't know what it is about hip-hop, it's just part of me. A dark shameful part. :)

Anyhow, in the car a week or two ago I heard the WORST hip-hop song EVER. I mean just dumb.

It was so stupid I had to find it online to play it for Chris, so he could be tortured with it's trash along with me. Then I noticed the worst of it all.... IT WAS AN USHER SONG.

I LOVES me some Usher. I've listened to the "Confessions" CD more that I'm willing to admit. And don't even get me start on his "My Way" album.

BUT this song I heard, "Love In This Club" is unforgivable. I'm posting the link to the youtube video, but I want you to keep in mind my hatred of this song has nothing to do with how nasty it is. It has EVERYTHING to do with how retarded the lyrics are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqqY07OZWps.

If you didn't watch the video, here is a quick breakdown of part of the song., these are not in order...

"On the couch, on the table, on the bar, or on the floor You can meet me in the bathroom yeah you know I’m tryna go" ---- WE ARE TALKING ABOUT A CLUB HERE PEOPLE. I've personally vomited in all of those places in my younger days.

"You keep doin’ it on purpose whindin and workin’ it" ----- Date rape anyone?

"Lets both get undressed right here, keep it up girl i swear, imma give it to you non stop and i dont care, who's watchin...watchin...watchin" ---- In real life those people get kicked out of clubs and they are usually 200+ pounds.

Goodbye Usher. We've had a good decade, but it's time to move on.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm such a child sometimes...

As a HUGE fan of thowin' up the "shocker" sign as often as possible I thought this was the funniest chart I've seen in a long time.

I can't wait for a chance to flash the "show stopper"...